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Each of us makes a huge difference and we impact the environment around us. We continue to use plastic bags and create billions of wastes each day and every year. Plastic bags are not easily decomposed and contribute to the degradation of the environment. A plastic bag takes years to break down and the cost to recycle plastic bags outweighs their value. This is another reason you can see a lot of plastic bags on your way. A huge pile of garbage is seen across the city by releasing foul smell throughout the day.

We all should make a change and choose the best option in order to go environmentally friendly.  This is the time to switch to the best reusable bags. Below 10 reasons will explain you why to use mesh produce bags:

1.      Price

There are some stores that still provide plastic bags but most of now have started giving the reusable bags to the customers. If you carry your own reusable bags then some storesmay provide a special discount on your purchase. Taking a reusable bag to a store can help you to get the items in a discount, isn’t itgood?

2.      Production

Plastic bags are made from natural resources which leads to deficient of resources. It takes the petroleum to drive 1 km in your car, as it takes to make 7 plastic bags. Some plastic bags are recyclable but the process involves many costs. This is why a lot of plastic bags have to be taken into landfills which pollute our environment. Choosing reusable bags saves on these resources and protects the environment.

3.      Environmental Impact

If you are noticing a great climate change then you are also one of them that actively contributes to this phenomenon whenever you use a plastic bag. Wherever you go, you see plastic bags lying. A plastic bag takes around several years to degrade. They break down into small toxic parts, which are bad for the environment. Paper bags are also not considered good for the environment as a lot of trees are cut down for their production. Therefore, you must use reusable bags and save the environment.

4.      Save Marine Life

Several marine animals are affected every single year because of plastic bags. Some animals which are major affected are sea turtles which often eat them or get tangled up.

5.      Efficient

The worst feeling after leaving the store is when your bag rips and items fall out on the sidewalk. Some items get damaged, while sometimes it is just frustrating and inconvenient. This never happens with reusable bags. When checking out at the grocery store, it is much quicker to put your items into a reusable bag. The reusable bag has the capacity to carry your items while being in shape. It is very easy to take out and put your items while saving time.

6.      No-Risk of Contamination

Do you know where plastic bags have been before in which you have brought food to your home? You would not know it but you should know that the plastic bag carries few germs. Even if you want to reuse and recycle these bags, you are at risk of contamination.

7.      Durable

A reusable bag doesn’t tear if you keep using it for a long time. These bags are really durable and can be used to carry your groceries several times.

8.      Easy to Clean

Reusable bags are best as they are easy to maintain and wash. You can wash them in a machine and with a damp cloth. Unlike plastic bags, they can also keep the food healthy.

9.      Multi-Purpose

Plastic bags are not best for every use but reusable bags are. You can use reusable bags for anything, such as storing clothes, carrying vegetables and storingthe laundry cloths, etc.

10. Easy to Store

Every time you go out for shopping, you bring plastic bags at home. With this, a large number of plastic bags keep filling up in your kitchen drawer. Instead of bringing ten different plastic bags, you probably need one or two reusable bags to get the job done. Buy the reusable bag that can be easy to store and carry.

The ecosystem around us has plastic bags and they often fly away into trees or other animals’ homes. Some animals eat these bags which often lead to their death. It is easy to say but a lot harder to follow through yourself but we all have to take action and must switch to reusable bags. If you want to save the environment, then you must pick mesh vegetable bags for carrying vegetables instead of plastic bags. This is an easier step we can take to save and protect our environment from plastic bags.