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5 Ways to Prioritize Your Well-Being

When your schedule is packed and priorities are plentiful, it’s natural that certain areas of your life will fall by the wayside. That workout you planned loses out to cleaning the house. Cooking from scratch with organic ingredients means little when you’re low on time after a kid’s sports game. It’s just the way things go.

That, however, doesn’t mean you’re meant to relinquish all goals and desires for your well-being. Instead, you find ways to carve out time and make healthy habits a part of your routine. Here are a few ways to accomplish that.

1. Stay In Tune With Your Mental Health

When you see a runner hitting the pavement, you can assume they’re healthy. They’re devoting time to working out and are keeping up a strong pace, which leads you to believe this. But the same can’t be said for mental health. It doesn’t have the bravado of large biceps or miles-long runs because it’s under the surface. That makes it harder to notice.

But it’s a critical component of your overall health and well-being. So, when prioritizing your well-being, mental health should be at the top of the list. Start by getting in touch with what’s normal for you by analyzing your daily thoughts, feelings, and habits. If you notice a shift — like feeling especially down or unmotivated — take action. Talk to loved ones, explore therapy, or consider rehab for mental health.

Don’t think your mental health is struggling? That doesn’t mean you can get by without devoting some time to it. Your brain is like a muscle, requiring you to repeat positive habits for maintenance even if you’re already strong. That means regularly doing activities that boost your mood and help you navigate challenges, regardless of your highs or lows. Ultimately, starting with your mind provides a great foundation for your well-being journey.

2. Nourish Your Body

It’s hard to do anything when your body is aching and tired. You’re uncomfortable, sluggish, and lacking much-needed energy. Of course, if prioritizing your well-being is the goal, you can’t afford to feel this way. That’s why incorporating essential nutrients to fuel you is key.

Start by focusing on the basics — carbs, protein, and fats. Your aim should be to eat something with each of these at every meal. For example, a chicken breast (protein) with avocado (fat) on sourdough bread (carb) is a great option. Paired with a refreshing glass of water and fruit or vegetables on the side, you’ve got the basics covered. Rinse and repeat this approach to reap the benefits of a well-balanced diet.

Slowly but surely transform what you eat most often, focusing on this goal, and your body will thank you. You’ll be checking the boxes necessary for sustained energy. That means you’ll be able to work out, stay focused, and devote time to other healthy habits.

3. Invest in Relationships

Humans are naturally social. We rely on others for support during tough times and general entertainment. As such, it’s unsurprising that your relationships play a key role in how you feel each day.

It’s important to prioritize your most important relationships even when life gets busy and you’re crunched for time. That could look like sending a quick text or voice note to a friend between meetings. Or maybe it’s grabbing a coffee before work. If you want to dive in head first, plan a trip to escape life’s chaos and spend more time together.

Maintaining relationships as an adult is no easy feat. You’re facing more responsibility than ever before and potentially dealing with miles of separation. However, you’ll never regret nourishing connections with those you love. And your social and mental well-being will flourish.

4. Find a Hobby

As a kid, everything is an activity. From coloring to playing with toys, you’re always busy, but in a fun way. With age, though, that curiosity is sometimes stifled. You’re juggling work, school, and social life while trying to stay on top of bills, so it’s much harder to have fun hobbies. But doing something unrelated to work or school can help your well-being more than you’d imagine.

For one, you’re investing in your happiness. You won’t increase your income or check off something from your to-do list. You will, however, devote time regularly to exploring, learning, and trying something new. Whether it’s painting, hiking, or crocheting, your hobby is dedicated “you” time.

And that reaps all kinds of benefits. You’re able to escape everyday stressors to focus on what you love. You can build friendships with natural bonds over shared interests. You can grow your skills and reinforce your investment in activities that spark joy. It’s the gift that keeps giving.

5. Take Technology Breaks

Endless scrolling, countless apps, AI tools — no wonder technology rules the world. It’s integrated into nearly every daily task from making coffee to brushing your teeth, so it isn’t shocking that people are hooked. However, if you’re struggling to break away and want to focus on your well-being, you may just need a break.

Start by thinking through how your technology use impacts your mood. Is watching short videos before bed keeping you up instead of helping you drift off? Does playing video games during lunch make you antsy or feel withdrawn in the afternoon? If so, challenge yourself to scale back on these activities that negatively impact your life.

Swap an hour of scrolling for 15 minutes. Play one round of video games instead of 10. Indulge in your technological vices, but do so sustainably and healthily. You’ll buy back time in your day to devote to other wellness activities and likely improve your mental health.

Boost Your Health and Happiness

Health isn’t one size fits all, so finding what works for you is key. Taking small steps of improvement to work on your mental, physical, and emotional well-being is a great start. From there, there’s no telling what incredible things can fall into place.