Childbirth is, in a word, extraordinary. Bearing witness to the creation of new life as it passes into the world is awe-inspiring. But for many parents, the anticipation for this miraculous moment over nine months of pregnancy can pass in the blink of an eye.
For that reason, many new moms and dads opt to commission or create beautiful pieces of artwork based on their childbirth experience. And for those parents that suffer a loss, or an accident during childbirth, these mementos can bring a bit of light to an otherwise stressful time.
If you are considering this investment, consult the guide below, which outlines some of the most meaningful and popular ideas today.
Placenta Artwork
Traditionally, a woman’s placenta was simply discarded after she gave birth. However, more and more women are now choosing to utilize this organ in a variety of ways. One such way is to use the placenta to create a piece of art.
Some artists will lay paint across the surface of the placenta and use it to create a print; popular options include abstract paintings with bright bold colors, or creating a “Tree of Life” design using the lines in the placenta.
Another option is to dehydrate the placenta into a powder and incorporate it into a different medium, such as hanging trinket like a pendant or within a painting or drawing.
Birth Photography
If you want your artwork to be more realistic and a literal representation of your birth experience, consider hiring a photographer to document the entire process. These professionals tastefully capture the transition from the womb to the world, with stunning stills that encapsulate the love of new parents, the grit of mothers, and the beauty of new life.
Once you receive your photographs back, you can do whatever you please; blowing up your favorites and hanging them as prints, creating photo albums, or building a digital slideshow. And, on the off-chance you sustain damages or get hurt during the process, the pictures could prove to be useful evidence for your birth injury attorney to help you file a claim.
Birth Paintings
If you do opt to capture the birth of your child with photographs, be it through a professional service or a cell phone shot, you can transform that simple picture into a one-of-a-kind piece of art. First, select the image you want to recreate. Then, send it to an artist with instructions on the kind of piece you want.
For example, if you want to hang the piece in your baby’s room, you might have the artist opt for soft, soothing watercolors. Or, if you want to create an elegant piece for your main living space, consider a charcoal sketch. Other options include multi-medium pieces, pop art design, and abstract paintings.
Umbilical Cord Art
The umbilical cord is responsible for providing unborn children with oxygen and nutrients. From an artistic perspective, this small structure is representative of the everlasting connection between mother and child.
For many reasons, many parents opt to hold on to this piece as a keepsake, transforming it into a work of art they can treasure for years. In many cases, the cord will be manipulated to take the form of a word, such as “love,” or a shape like a heart. It’s then attached to a canvas and hung in a frame.
Other options include incorporating the umbilical cord into a dreamcatcher or a piece of jewelry. Some companies will even photograph the cells found within the cord and transform them into abstract paintings.
Regardless of how you choose to capture the special moment your child is born, you can rest assured the experience will remain a valuable memory to you for the rest of your life.