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Design Services That Enhance Your Brand Image

Despite what you might have heard, human beings do not have attention spans that are outmatched by goldfish. In fact, it is generally considered that attention spans are not quantifiable at all, and it is down to the context of the situation and what it offers to the individual involved. For example, an athletic high-school student sitting in a geography class for a lecture about terminal moraine is much more likely to ‘switch off’ sooner out of boredom, than that same student would watching his or her favorite sports game on T.V. That’s good news for marketers of a new brand, right? Not necessarily.

Dealing with the many, not the one.

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For business owners who are trying to get their new brand identity out there, or even for management professionals trying to pitch a new idea, this is not as encouraging as it may seem. Rather than dealing with a collective short attention span across the room, maximum impact now relies on trying to cater to each individual. This is quite the obstacle to overcome if you want to grab, and hold, the focus of so many. Every member of your target audience now has to be reached on their own individual level, beyond trying to entice positive responsiveness from a group.

Yet, it is done. A good presenter is able to give an effective presentation every single time. No matter what it is, they do a great job of delivering insights through a compelling narrative, thus giving an impactful presentation that gets the key message (or messages) across with no ambiguity. How do they do it? Is there some secret stash of presentation skills known only to a select few? Can they be learned in time for your next presentation? You know, the one which you’ve been asked to pitch a bold new brand identity to hook potential clients to your organization?

Don’t worry. You are going to need some external help from presentation designers though, but be assured, it is going to be worth it.

Time for a story.

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Let’s look at our high-school student’s situation once more. There they are, listening as their teacher talks incessantly on how glaciers advanced as far as Central USA and that we know this because… terminal moraine is present in… parts of… zzzzz. (Sorry to all you budding geologists who are reading, but it’s hardly a riveting rock feature.) Our student has fallen asleep, having lost interest ages ago. However, bursting into life, the teacher has decided to show a movie based on his/her favorite sport instead: football. By showing how much the team have made ground on the tables, he is able to represent how much glaciers move in small increments. Through a rise and fall, an analogy is drawn up demonstrating the left-over debris, and at the end of the lesson, when the final credits roll, our student is a terminal moraine expert.

Human beings have learned and evolved through storytelling. Our memories form connections with the things that interest us, and our attention is piqued and kept through a good story.

Presentation design services that you simply must use.

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Quite simply, when you hire your presentation designers they just have to know how to tell a good story. Stinson understand the art of communication (and it is an art). They build professional PowerPoint designs that build up your key message in every single slide culminating in a memorable bigger picture. This filtering of information avoids bombarding your audience with non-retainable facts through text-heavy slides. They get involved in the graphic design of your project, with professional design guaranteed to keep your company presentation visually entertaining and remembered. In addition, these presentation designers offer motion graphics and video services to take your message the extra mile and ingrain your brand into the eyes of the market.

Ultimately, your job is to be a storyteller. However, a good storyteller is only as good as the story they’re reading from. With Stinson providing the visual aspects, then your job should be much easier. From now own, your brand should give only persuasive presentations. Hopefully not about glacial rock features.