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Elmiron Lawsuit: How to get justice and compensation?

If you or your loved one were ever prescribed Elmiron and you have suffered any kind of discomfort, vision loss, or any other health issues, you have the right to file an Elmiron Lawsuit. As per many reports and findings over the years, the use of Elmiron caused severe vision damage to patents. More than 100 patents have lost their vision after using the Elmiron drug.

The use of Elmiron causes extensive damage to the macula of the eye, and patients are entitled to get substantial compensation from the company.  Many doctors and years of study and research have found that the use of Elmiron for a long duration can cause maculopathy, which is an eye disorder that can cause permanent damage to eyes.

The patients who used Elmiron and have faced the wrath of the medicine are now suing the drug manufacturer Janssen Pharmaceutical. Janssen pharmaceutical manufactures different types of medicines, but the particular drug Elmiron is harming different patents.

Many patients have already filed the lawsuit, and if you think you or any of your loved ones are facing discomfort after the use of Elmiron, you need to file a lawsuit against them.

What is Elmiron?

Elmiron is a drug that is prescribed to treat a disease called interstitial cystitis. This is a bladder disease commonly found in humans. Elmiron drugs are also used in treatment for dogs and horses. The worst part is that the Elmiron is the only FDA approved drug for the treatment of Interstitial Cystitis.The drug helps in reducing pain in the bladder and also improves the bladder. Thus, it is one of the most prescribed drugs for the disease.

What does the lawsuit against Elmiron speak about?

As per the lawsuit, patients accuse Janssen Pharmaceuticals of failing to warn patients as well as the doctors against the danger associated with the use of Elmiron. Although the company has offered a few explanations and warnings about maculopathy, nothing is mentioned on the package of the drug.

Thus, the number of patents facing maculopathy is increasing day by day. Since no alternative is available against the Elmiron drug, patients have to purchase the same drug again and again.

If you are thinking about getting compensation for the loss caused to you because of the use of Elmiron, you need to contact a law firm so that they can help you with the legal process.

How to know if you have an Elmiron case?

Contacting attorneys and lawyers from a good law firm is the best way to know if you are eligible to file a case against Janssen Pharmaceuticals or not.

In addition to this, it is also advisable to look for a law firm with experienced and knowledgeable attorneys. An experienced attorney will have extensive knowledge, and he/she will understand the depth and importance of the case.  Thus, if you are looking to get compensated for the loss caused because of the use of Elmiron, contact a law firm and try to understand the legal technicalities associated with the lawsuit.