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Handy Discusses Reasons You Shouldn’t Hoard


It is normal to store items which we use regularly and are beneficial to us. However, if you cannot throw away items which have served their purpose or are of no use to you anymore, you are hoarding. Handy believes compulsive hoarders often suffer from emotional issues and may also face social, financial or legal problems. Hoarding unnecessary items can physically affect your lifestyle for the worse as it creates unsafe living conditions and clutter.

Where to start

So, if you think you are suffering from a hoarding disorder and it is affecting your life, it is a wise idea to consult with the appropriate doctor. There is no need to feel ashamed or sad as it is a mental illness. If you receive the proper treatment, it is possible to solve the problem.

Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t hoard –

  1. It can create a dangerous living environment – If you hoard flammable materials or items inside your house and store them recklessly, they can create fire safety issues. The more flammable objects there are inside a room, the harder it is to control the outbreak of the flame. Thus, it requires more manpower, money, time and other resources to keep the damage under control.

If you hoard heavy items, it may also cause structural damage to your property due to the excess weight.

  1. It can clutter your living space – Hoarding objects compulsively will clutter your living space and make difficult for you to traverse your home. It can make your home untidy and make it even more difficult to clean it. Due to the mess, you and your family members may also trip on objects and suffer from serious physical injuries.
  2. It can create health issues – As stated above, hoarding can clutter your house and make it a very uninhabitable place. It can also cause serious health issues. An untidy property often smells disgusting due to the formation of molds. It can cause breathing issues and also affect your cardiac health. Cluttered places also attract insects and rodents which further spread diseases and result in an infestation.
  3. It can cause a rift between you and your family members – Compulsive hoarding can put a strain on your finances, create safety hazards for your children and other family members, and also causes numerous health issues as stated above. Even after knowing the consequences of hoarding you cannot stop the habit; it can create serious conflicts between you and your family members. If things get out of hand, your spouse may even divorce you and take the children with them.


According to Handy, compulsive hoarders often suffer from a psychological disorder like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or even depression. They cannot ignore the allure of buying items on a bargain or part with items that have some sentimental value even if they become useless. Even though they understand that their actions are wrong and causing trouble, they cannot stop. So, they should seek the support of a therapist or other doctors in order to break out of this habit.