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How to Tackle Issues You’d Rather Keep to Yourself

We all have our go-to people who pretty much know every detail of our lives. They’re the ones who hear about the Tinder date gone wrong or the irritating co-worker. Some people turn to family members, while others rely on a circle of friends depending on the need. Regardless, we all know exactly who we want to run to when it’s time to share something personal.

But what happens when something becomes too personal? Sometimes, the circumstances are so private in nature that even the most extroverted people aren’t willing to share. When that’s your situation, here are five ways to solve your most private problems without leaving your comfort zone.

  • Do your own research

No matter what type of problem you’re having, an important first step is to do some research. This holds true for any type of private problem, whether it’s financial, health-related, or some other sensitive matter. Doing research helps you determine whether the problem is something you can fix on your own or will need help to resolve.

For example, let’s say you have a lot of debt, and you’re looking to pay it off. If you’re not ready to share that figure with anyone quite yet, you can look up finance tips or loan consolidation options. 

On the other hand, if you’re dealing with a health issue, you can research possible remedies. Maybe you have a hemorrhoid that you’re looking to treat. Or perhaps you’ve been feeling anxious and want to find ways to put your mind at ease. Whatever the case may be, the web is filled with resources that can help you feel 100% again. And if you really want privacy, you can always use an incognito window!

  • Determine whether you can treat the problem at home

While doing research, you might discover that your problem can actually be addressed quite easily at home. For example, some companies offer easy, affordable access to healthcare. 

Telemedicine provider Nurx, for example, enables their customers to meet important healthcare needs online, from prescriptions to medical testing. With their at-home HPV tests, genital herpes treatment, and birth control offerings, you can deal with your healthcare needs from the privacy of your home.

  • Make lifestyle changes to improve your mental health

When you’re facing an especially private problem, it’s normal to become more stressed and anxious. If you aren’t able to share something with those whom you’re closest to, it can start to weigh on you. When handling a sensitive personal problem, it’s more important than ever to focus on your mental health.

Here are a few ways to prioritize your mental health while dealing with a private problem:

  • Get as much exercise as possible.
  • Go outside; studies show an association between outdoor activities and positive mental health outcomes.
  • Make time for self-care activities; pamper yourself, take a day off, or meditate.
  • Get an adequate amount of sleep each night; 7-8 hours is ideal.
  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.

The more you focus on your well-being during this time, the better you’ll be able to deal with the original problem.

  • Talk to a professional

Some problems are too private to share with a friend or family member, and that’s fine. But it’s also fine to realize that, in some cases, professional help is needed. 

Whether it’s a doctor, a therapist, or a financial advisor, experts are there to help you. It’s their job to listen to your problems and aid you in finding a solution. If you absolutely have to talk to someone, it should be a professional who can both assist you and keep your information confidential. 

When dealing with a serious problem, it can help to get someone else’s opinion. But if your problem isn’t something you want to share, where do you get it? By going to a professional, you can be more confident that you’re dealing with the problem in the right way. They’ll point you toward the best solutions, and their expert advice is certainly guidance you can trust.

  • Don’t let the problem fester

The worst thing you can do when faced with a serious problem is to ignore it. If you fail to address the problem, it can become progressively worse. Private or not, financial or health-related, any time a serious problem affects you, it’s important to address it head on. 

Financial problems

When dealing with a personal finance issue, it’s critical that you take control and deal with it right away. A Northwestern Mutual survey found that that money is the main source of stress for 44% of Americans. Whether you’re trying to pay off debt or making a big purchase, doing the wrong thing can have serious consequences. 

Talk to a professional or do your own research to start saving, paying off debt, and achieving other financial goals. Once you’ve taken care of the immediate problem, focus on developing good financial habits for the future.

Health problems

When dealing with a private health issue, ignoring it can have serious repercussions. The problem can affect your health long-term, both mentally and physically. Plus, you may end up having to go to family and friends for help if your condition gets worse. 

If you deal with a health issue quickly, it’s likely no one ever has to know, and it can stay private. After you’ve resolved your current health problem, try to uncover what caused it in the first place. If you can be proactive and prevent the issue from recurring with healthier habits in the future, make sure to implement those changes ASAP.

Are you eager to share some exciting news? Looking to have a deep heart-to-heart? Or are you just wanting to get something off your chest? The most important people in your life will always be there when you need to share something. 

But there are some problems that you’d really rather handle on your own — and that’s OK. With online information resources and treatment options at your fingertips, and professionals just a call away, you’re likely to find a solution. When faced with a private problem, do what feels right to you, and you won’t lose.