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Lifestyle Changes Required After Liver Transplant

Last updated on June 20, 2020

Currently, the number of people surviving liver transplantation is higher than ever before, and the considerable majority now can lead an active life. Recovering from a liver transplant can be an extended procedure. Still, some people will sooner or later be able to go back to most of their regular activities and have a high-quality life. Though, make sure to get aLiver transplant in India from a renowned hospital for positive results.

What Happens After the Transplant?

Transplantation is very complicated and is also a treatment rather than a cure for the problem. Due to this, it is not common for a few people to find themselves readmitted to the hospital during the first year. Complications following transplantation can happen because of infections, repeated diseases like primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), cancer, or issues in some other parts of the body that can take many years or decades to unroll.

After the treatment has gotten successful, it can usually take up to a year to fully recover. However, some people can start eventually building up with their regular activities within a few weeks. If you’re planning to get a Liver transplant in India, we suggest to be prepared, take the recommended measures for better results.

Lifestyle Changes After Liver Transplantation

After the liver transplant, it is essential to be aware of potential risks and make any needed lifestyle adjustments. Such are prime aspects of the recovery and complete success of the transplant. From checkup to diet change, there are various aspects you need to consider after getting a transplant:

  • As you’ll have a daily follow-up appointment to see the condition, it is crucial for you not to miss them at any cost. Such checkups will be done to see how your liver is performing. These may be once a week in the starting, but slowly, they may only be required every few months or once a year.
  • A transplanted liver can be a bit sensitive to damage by chemicals, like alcohol. The experts will suggest that recipients avoid over consumption of alcoholic drinks or illegal drugs after transplantation.
  • If you didn’t consume a lot of water earlier, you’d need to change it after the transplant. Moreover, you’ll have to drink treated (chlorinated) municipal tap water. If your drinking water comes from a well or not-so-reliable source, it is advised to boil the water before drinking it.
  • Several usually utilized household chemicals; including gasoline, paint, paint removers, pesticides, drain cleaners, etc. are quite toxic. It means that even the fumes of such elements can be harmful to a liver transplant recipient. Make sure to avoid direct contact or inhalation of any possibly damaging agents.

Most people won’t require a particular diet plan after getting aLiver transplant in India. All you need to do is follow a healthy and balanced diet. It will assist you in recovering swiftly and staying fit. However, at times you might need additional help from a dietitian, so do visit them for making some diet changes.