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Struggling to Revive Your Brand’s Failing Online Reputation?

Did you know that more than 90% of consumers note that online reviews impact their buying decisions? If your online reputation is less-than-stellar, it might be time to clean up your act with corporate branding services! It’s human nature that little glitches will occur in any business — from a customer service rep having a bad day to an extremely important package that got lost in the mail. Each of these scenarios could prompt an upset consumer to launch a mini-campaign against your brand online . . . but the pain can be felt long after the problem has been resolved.

Don’t Risk Revenue Falling With Your Reviews

Reviews are a powerful medium for consumer engagement, but are you confused how to remove a negative google review? You may be in a situation where your negative reviews are overpowering the positive sentiment. While only 15% of shoppers make final buying decisions based on the product descriptions and images that you agonized over, more than half cite reviews as a vital component when making a purchase. Why risk losing revenue due to an imbalance between the positive and negative in your online reputation, especially when brand management services can help?

Brand Management Services Raise the Bar for Your Online Reputation

When consumers are searching for a product or service provider, they may only be giving the search results a quick skim. If there are two comparable companies, consumers will nearly always go with a company that has a wealth of positive reviews. Your business is defined by the information that is found online. When you only have a quick second to make an impression — be sure you’re putting your best (virtual!) foot forward!

Do You Need Corporate Branding Services?

If there are problems with your online reputation that have been lingering for some time, it’s unlikely that reversing a single negative review will give you the traction your brand needs to be successful. Instead, you’ll likely need to contact a significant number of disgruntled customers — some who may have left reviews over a year or more in the past. You should immediately start pumping out high-quality content and have it posted on sites with high domain authority. Then, you’ll need to launch a concerted effort to have new customers post favorable reviews for your business.

Does this sound like an overwhelming project? It certainly is for many companies, which is why corporate branding services are available to help. When you partner with trusted reputation management services like Net Reputation, you can be confident that our team is doing everything possible to ensure that your online reputation is salvaged quickly and efficiently. From our exclusive partnerships to our proactive stance on gathering new reviews, Net Reputation does the heavy lifting that will help neutralize problematic search results and content while helping to promote your brand in a positive light. Contact us today at 844-461-3632 to schedule your complimentary initial consultation.