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Tips to Stay Energized During Your Work Day

We all have times where we feel sluggish. Unfortunately, that is never a good combination with work.

Feeling energized at work is not always an easy task, but with some helpful mindfulness in the workplace tips, you can develop an effective strategy to feel energized while working.

When Does the Slump Hit?

It is not uncommon for people to feel tired in the mid-afternoon. This is the time most 8-5 workers start to feel their energy deplete.

When you do start to feel like you are falling into a slump, follow these tips to stay energized in the workplace!

Mindful Breaks

Think of this as more of a pause. Oftentimes, you need to slow down your work and mind for a moment to reboot and work effectively for the rest of the day.

 You can achieve this by taking a moment to completely stop what you are doing, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. This will help you clear your mind and get refocused.

The key to all of this is to acknowledge when you need a quick break so you can stay committed to finishing a project.

Get Up and Move

Movement is going to help wake you up! Get up and walk around for a bit. Even step outside to get some fresh air.

In addition to taking a quick walk, do some stretches. It only takes about 5 to 10 minutes to revitalize the mind and body with some wrist rotations and shoulder rolls.

Change of Scenery

This might sound silly, but a simple change in scenery can really boost your energy while working.

Plus, it is easy to do! A lot of us are working from home, so make a little change (if you can) by changing your scenery up.

All it takes is going outside on your patio, to a different room, or even to a coffee shop. If you are unable to physically relocate, take a moment to look up from your computer screen or change the music you are listening to.

You don’t have to do this for long, even just 30 minutes of a different scene or pace can be beneficial.

See – once you learn these tips, overcoming that midday slump at work doesn’t seem so daunting! Remember, just take a few moments to yourself to re-energize your mind and body.