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What Is Maskne and How to Prevent It

What it is:

Maskne, is the term used to describe the acne resulting from prolonged usage of face masks. With the onset of COVID19, people are required to cover their mouths and noses in public to prevent the spread of the disease. However, this has led to skin problems such as the eruption of Maskne.

While this article provides you preliminary knowledge about maskne, its possible causes, and solutions, it cannot be used as a substitute for professional guidance. For proper assistance with any skin problems, make sure to visit the best Dermatologist in Lahore or your area.

How it works:

Breathing or talking under your mask traps in hot air. This air results in the creation of a warm and humid environment, which in turn becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, yeast, skin mites etc.  According to doctors, these bacterial imbalances and friction from the mask cause pimples and pustules to appear around the mouth and nose.

How to prevent it:

  1. Don’t forget to wash your face: It is essential to wash your face with a gentle, fragrance free as well as oil free cleanser. Rising with lukewarm water prevents the trapping of dirt and oil on the skin surface, reducing chances of breakouts. Make sure to wear the mask on a clean face.
  2. Use a moisturizer: Applying a light moisturizer on cleansed skin before wearing a mask can help prevent breakouts. This is because moisturizers help keep the skin hydrated and reduce friction by acting as a barrier between the face and mask. Moisturizers with ceramides, hyaluronic acid, or dimethicone in particular, provide extra protection to the skin. Apply a moisturizer before as well as after wearing a mask.
  3. Select a fragrance free laundry soap: This is because fragrances can cause irritation on the skin. Fragrance free soaps and fabric softeners can thus be used instead to avoid such issues.
  4. Wash your mask regularly: A cotton mask must be washed after every use. The surface of the mask can become a breeding ground for bacteria from the nose and mouth as it contains dirt as well as oil.
  1. Stay away from harsh products: Medicated skin care products containing compounds such as benzoyl peroxide, retinols and salicylic acid etc, can result in irritating the skin under a mask. Therefore such products must be used carefully, monitoring what to use and how much to use them.
  1. Ditch the makeup: Wearing skin makeup under a mask can cause pores to get clogged and breakouts to erupt. Therefore makeup should be avoided as much as possible.
  2. Wear the right mask: In order to reduce skin problems such as acne breakouts, look for masks that offer a snug, but comfortable fit. The mask should contain at least two layers of fabric. Moreover, the fabric should be soft, natural, and breathable, such as cotton, on the inside layer that rests against your skin. These tips can minimize breakouts.

The tips mentioned in this article can help you combat maskne. However, if following these does not prevent acne breakouts, make sure to ask for help from a competent dermatologist in Islamabad or your city for proper and effective treatment.