Last updated on October 1, 2019
Most of you probably remember the fiasco of the Anchos 7 Home tablet, which everyone expected to be much better than it actually proved to be. Many of the users complained then that the screen was actually nonresponsive, or that the processor was extremely slow.
Well, the Anchos guys decided that they should do something about it, and they’ve made a little “upgrade”, which means that from now on the Anchos 7 Home Tablet will come with Android 2.1, an 800 MHz Rockchip CPU and an accelerometer, which you might find extremely useful.
Coming back to the upgrade, I’m really curious to see what the people will have to say about it, especially on the Android version and the 800 MHz processor, since as far as I am concerned, they could have done far better than this
The price of the new device is 200$, and it has already started shipping in Europe.
7-inchArchos 7 tablet receives much needed upgrade
It’s no wonder that we get a “Version 2” so soon, as the manufacturer is interested in keeping the brand on the market. When it was launched, many people expected a far better home tablet than the one they have finally got, and as the bad news started coming, it started to be obvious that everything will turn into a fiasco. Remember when Amazon started shipping the Anchos 7 Home Tablet one week before the schedule?
If I have to draw a final conclusion here, I’d say that even if the price is appealing, it remains to be seen how the users will react to this upgrade. There are many similar tablets on that work better, and in this market, is not the price the one that matters the most…
What about you? What do you think on this little upgrade? Is it worth doing it? Will it increase the sales, or is it just dust in the wind? Let us know!