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Building a DevOps Team for Success

Effective DevOps come with some excellent perks. For companies, it bolsters software quality and stability, while speeding up the production process. For dev teams, both automation and culture get a significant boost. Above all, DevOps is about stimulating company employees to partner across roles to deliver a top-notch product to end-users. 

In other words, just like the benefits of agile software development, the importance of DevOps shouldn’t be underestimated. Want to know how to effectively create a DevOps team? Business leaders that focus on innovation have long found the right answers to this question. In this post, we’ll delve into this topic in detail. 

Before we concentrate on the details, take a look through the major principles of building DevOps teams:

  • recruit and retain talent;
  • create an atmosphere of trust;
  • foster teamwork between product and engineering;
  • encourage communication.

Now, here are the detailed tips on successfully building a DevOps team.

1. Recruiting (and Retaining) Top-Notch Talent

This is challenging. But doable. Creating a team of talented specialists with enough expertise to cope with the projects on both sides of the DevOps spectrum is an expensive affair. However, if you succeed to form a team that will balance Development and Operations on the in-house basis, you are sure to reap major benefits very soon. The endeavor is sure to pay off.

2. Create an Atmosphere of By-Default Trust

Organizing an effective DevOps team requires a foundation of instant trust, understanding, and psychological safety. In this atmosphere, you don’t have to work on building rapport or trust with others. It’s already there by default. A company whose workers are constantly on the prowl to support each other while collaborating on a project creates an environment of enhanced communication — something that’s paramount for building a successful DevOps team. 

3. Foster Teamwork Between Product & Engineering 

Think of both teams as brothers. They understand each other most of the time and strive for better communication. However, this doesn’t always result in smooth sailing, and those ‘brothers’ don’t always treat each other right. If you as a business leader don’t focus on close collaboration between product and engineering teams, this will affect the whole process of a successful DevOps team creation. Stimulate them to share tools that adhere to both teams’ standards. Make sure their collaboration is transparent and based on mutual understanding. 

4. Encourage Communication 

Teams that practice top-level DevOps strategies have one major thing in common: they are in the ever-ongoing process of effective communication. They are invited to each other’s meetings and are well aware of each other’s project status details. A future-oriented business leader should always make sure that the teams within the company are invariably on the same page.

Conclusion: Find That Balance

Pinpointing the balance between software, employees, and culture is not a cakewalk. However, with the right strategy and enough knowledge at your disposal, you are sure to strike the best formula for building a second to none DevOps team. Leave a reply in the comments below if you have anything to add to the topic.