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Latest Trends That Prominent Website Development Company India Follow For Higher Rank in 2020

Every coming year set some latest trends in the website development field. Websites are the best way to maintain an attracting online presence and let people know about your brand. Discover the latest trends that website development company India that will dominate the web development industry this year. If you are looking to get a user-engaging website developed for your business or want to upgrade your existing business website, you can consider the latest trends to mark a great online impression.

Top website development trends to follow in 2020

Here are the latest web development trends that must be a part of web development services India and must be a part of your online site in 2020.

  • Chatbots, AI, and Machine Learning

This is the first most important trend in web development that every website owner must be looking for. Providing a convenient user experience is the major objective of website owner. Resolving the web visitor’s queries by answering their all questions is necessary. In most of the business, the organizations used to hire humans to provide 24×7 customer support for the convenience of their web visitors. Now, chatbots has taken the place of human customer support in the website. The communication with chatbots has been increasing day by day and used at various platforms like ecommerce websites, apps, social media websites, and many more such platforms.

  • Mobile-Friendly websites

It has been evidenced that 90% of the users searches the business via mobile. This, increase the demand of web development company India for designing the mobile-friendly websites. If you want your website to attract the attention of mobile users then making the website mobile-friendly and responsive is a must. These websites can be open on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs without any technical error.

  • Progressive web applications

Website loading speed determine the survival of a website in the search engines. It is something that either retain or bounces back your visitors for a lifetime. According to Google report, 60% of the web visitors immediately bounce back if they find low loading speed of the website, for instance more than 4 seconds. Having a progressive web application act more of like a native applications and load quickly even with a poor internet connection. This will give user a positive experience and would like to make a deal with your company.

  • Voice search optimization

Voice search is one another trend that most of the website developers are making use of while developing an innovative website. It is one trend that no website owner can afford to overlook. It has an impressive effect on the web and leave a positive outcome. There is a number of voice speakers which has been increasing year by year. Taking this into the consideration voice search optimization is the evolving web development trend that you can’t ignore.

Noted that early adopters of the above-mentioned website development company emerging trends are always stay ahead of the cut-throat competition. Therefore, if you are planning to update your website in 2020, its definitely a good thought to look through the 2020 web development trends.