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4 Ways To Do a Google Keyword Ranking Check In 2023

Statistics show that 75% of people never scroll past the results on the first page of search engines. What that means is that if your site is not ranking on the first page of SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), you’re missing out on a ton of business.

But how do you do a Google keyword ranking check? And have you ever wondered what terms and search query people use to find your website?

Understanding this can help with getting better search engine ranking, driving more traffic, and building authority. We are here to help with that!

In this article, we give you four simple ways to quickly get a snapshot of where each keyword ranks on any given date. With our guide, you can stay up-to-date on the latest changes in rankings so that you always have an accurate picture of your progress toward becoming an authoritative website in your field.

4 Ways To Do A Google Keyword Ranking Check

Whether you’re trying to rank for simple keywords or longtail keywords, it’s important to understand if they are driving traffic to your site. Overall, Google favors an authoritative website over one that has thin content. Here are four ways you can check how well your sites rank. Use these tools to help improve existing content and create more cluster content.

1. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a tool created by Google to help track website rankings on their search engine. It is free and easy to use, simply connecting the website through the domain host. Through this tool, users can check their ranking position for any search term they are tracking and get useful data such as the number of impressions, clicks, and click-through rates.

2. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a powerful SEO utility. Not only does it help you to determine your Google keyword ranking, but also offers technical SEO insights and competitive analysis features.

3. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is another widely-used SEO tool that offers comprehensive insights into your Google keyword ranking performance.

4. SEMRush

SEMRush is a well-known SEO tool built to help marketers construct an effective SEO strategy. With this tool, you can research your desired keywords and see the ones your website ranks for organically.

Tracking Progress

Tracking progress for keyword ranking is essential when it comes to optimizing any website or blog for the search engine. While countless SEO tactics can be employed to boost a page’s Google rankings and increase website traffic, understanding how well those strategies are working requires monitoring keyword positions over time.

It’s a good idea to track progress with some sort of SEO Google keyword tool which will allow you to gain insight into how your pages are performing, as well as what changes might be needed to improve visibility.

How’s Your Keyword Ranking Strategy Looking?

Doing a Google keyword ranking check is essential for your businesses to understand how your website ranks in the search engine results pages and to determine what terms or queries people use to find their website.

This knowledge can help with improving visibility, driving more traffic, and building authority online. If you’re implementing a strategy to improve your rankings, be sure to track your progress so you can find out what’s working.